Function to recode vitamin A supplementation coverage indicators
recode_vita( df, core.columns = c("spid", "cid", "did", "eid", "motherID", "m2"), ls = NULL )
df | A coverage data.frame collected for the Liberia Coverage Survey |
core.columns | A vector of variable names to include in resulting data.frame |
ls | A list of thematically named string pattern vectors to use for searching and organising `others` responses for vit1a |
A data.frame of vitamin A supplementation coverage indicators
if (FALSE) { ifa3d <- c("delivery", "hospital", "constantly") # Did not go to hospital ifa3e <- c("know") # Don't know about the tablets ifa3f <- c("any", "go") # Didn't get any tablets ifa3g <- c("given") # Was given but never took it ifa3h <- c("interest", "interested", "Not") # Not interested ifa3i <- c("Reasons") # No reasons ls1 <- list(ifa3d, ifa3e, ifa3f, ifa3g, ifa3h, ifa3i) names(ls1) <- paste("ifa3", letters[4:9], sep = "") recode_ifa(df = coverageData.r2, ls1 = ls1) }